Applying of green building standards for implementation of the city development strategies in Kyiv.
Tetiana Kryvomaz 1* Doctor of Science, Professor.
Dmytro Varavin 1 Ph.D., Student
1 Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotsky Avenue 31, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine;
Received: 02/01/2019; Accepted: 03/30/2019; Available online: 04/29/2019.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32557/useful-3-1-2019-0003
HDL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12334/109
*Corresponding author e-mail: ecol@i.ua
Under a creative commons license. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2019, pages: 16-30.
Plagiarism was checked by iTenticate
Author Keywords: green building, ecological standards, ecological safety.
The main tasks of the "Kyiv City Development Strategy until 2025" are in development and reconstruction of the city, improvement of its infrastructure and environmental protection, which perfectly correlates with the basic principles of green building. This is the modern practice in construction, reconstruction and the exploitation of buildings, in which they im-plement optimal architectural solutions, advanced engineering systems and materials for re-ducing of energy consumption and material resources, it is the process of improving the qual-ity of buildings and the comfort of their internal environment, improving of impact of build-ings on the health of people by minimizing the negative impact on the environment at all stag-es of life cycle of building structures. The practice of the tasks outlined in the Strategy will significantly contribute to the implementation of international environmental standards and to the application of constructive solutions of green building technologies. In particular it ap-peals to such urban development sectors as city development and land relations, housing and communal services, transport and urban mobility, environmental policy and environmental protection, public space, security and civil protection, historical and architectural heritage.
1. Relevance
Ukraine is facing some difficulties today on the solving of which depends not only further historical path of the country's development, but also the stability of Europe and the overall political situation in the world. Ky-iv is the center of political, economic and social activity of the state, therefore it is extremely important that the capital could provoke the pride and feeling of confidence in the future for all Ukrainian citizens, as well as become a dignified lead to other regions of our country and also could occupy its rightful place among the most prominent cities of the world. An important step towards achieving these ambitious intentions has be-come the "Development Strategy of the City of Kyiv till 2025" (hereinafter the "Strategy"). It was approved by the decision of the Kyiv City Council No. 824/7060 dated December 15, 2011, and improved in the new edition in 2016 in connection with the significant changes in the socio-economic situation of the country and for coordination with the new legislative documents as follows: The Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of State Regional Policy", the Procedure for the Development of Regional Development Strategies and the Ac-tion Plans for their Implementation, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the im-plementation of these regional strategies and action plans, the Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine-2020", the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period up to 2020 [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]. According to the Strategy, the main objective of the long-term development of the city of Kyiv is the improvement of the citizens' quality of life, which is determined by the economic welfare and comfort of life in the city with rich historical tradition. Particular attention is being paid to the development and reconstruction of the city, to its infrastructure and environmental protection that is perfectly correlated with the basic principles of green con-struction. This is a modern practice of construction, reconstruction and operation of buildings, in which they use optimal architectural solutions, advanced engineering systems and materials for reducing energy and ma-terial resources consumption, the structures quality improving and the comfort of their internal environment, the minimizing of impact of buildings on the health of its users and on the environment at all stages of the life cycle of building structures [12, 13, 16].
2. Introduction.
As a rule, the documents created by state authorities are not of the specific content, with intricate and confusing forms, so it is almost impossible to understand them by ordinary people without special training. This is the case that happens not only in Ukraine, but also in the legislative practice in many countries of the world, since we also can hear complaints from the foreign colleagues that the state documents and instruc-tions are intentionally composed in such a way as to confuse ordinary citizens and complicate as much the compliance of the legislative requirements as possible. It is believed that this tradition dates back to the an-cient times when the new laws on taxation were printed in small print and posted in places where it was dif-ficult to see and read, that greatly complicated their execution. In addition, the practice of selective punish-ment was widespread, so it was unclear who and when would be prosecuted, consequently, all people felt uncertain and lived in constant fear. Thus, the feeling of helplessness - the uncertainty and uncontrollability of the situation- was formed; this gave rise to the state of hopelessness and apathy. For a reason this meth-odology was widely and effectively used by totalitarian regimes. Instead, when laws and state documents were presented in clear and accessible form, this not only promoted the law compliance and public aware-ness but was also one of the important features of a democratic society. New version of the Kyiv Development Strategy caused a pleasant surprise with its clear structure and specific content, which had an obvious advantage over other nationally recognized documents. First of all, it should be noted that an accessible form and a convenient presentation of the Strategy indicate the realistic targeting of its effective implementation, and the specific paths and indicators for each sector are clearly de-scribed for this purpose. Obviously, the creation of such document became possible thanks to the close co-operation of the Kyiv City Council with public, business, scientific institutions and international organiza-tions. However, no matter how clear and understandable the document is, it will not replace the real action. Therefore, the most difficult thing is ahead - it is an embodiment of the objectives outlined in the Strategy in accordance with the declared indicators. Many steps have been already taken to implement the Strategy, but for the achievement of all ambitious tasks an active participation of all stakeholders and, first of all, the citi-zens of Kyiv is required; they will have a unique opportunity to integrate their knowledge and skills into the prosperity of their hometown. The form, style and content of the Strategy ambiguously call for constructive cooperation all the stakeholders. To find an optimal balance between all spheres of life of Kyiv city is possi-ble under the conditions of implementation of the best international experience in the specific Ukrainian reali-ties. Due to this, the purpose of this analytical review is to justify the need of implementation of international environmental standards by the urban development sectors and by the use of constructive solutions of green building technologies for implementation of the objectives of the Strategy.
1. The main tasks of the "Kyiv City Development Strategy until 2025" are the city's reconstruction, im-provement of its infrastructure and environmental protection, which correspond to the main objectives of green building, that is to minimize the negative impact at all stages of construction on the environment and to increase comfort; therefore the application of innovative environmental technologies and the ad-aptation of green building standards are suggested for the Strategy realization.
2. The applying of constructive solutions of green building technologies is particularly relevant for the fol-lowing sectors: urban and rural development, housing and communal services, transport and urban mo-bility, environmental policy and environmental protection, public space, security and civil protection, historical and architectural heritage.
3. The implementation of green building principles that use optimal architectural solutions, advanced engi-neering systems and materials for reducing the consumption of energy and material resources, the im-proving the structures quality and the comfort of their internal environment, the improving of influence of buildings on their occupants' health by minimizing negative impact at all stages of the life cycle of building structures in Kyiv will become a positive example for other cities and will initiate the develop-ment of green construction in Ukraine.
4. Effective implementation of the objectives of the "Kyiv City Development Strategy" is possible only under the conditions of cooperation between public authorities, business, scientific institutions and in-ternational organizations with the involvement of specialists from the "Green Building Development Center" of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, where the scientific and laborato-ry research is carried out with the application of advanced innovative green building technologies based on the best international achievements and standards.
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[2] The development strategy of the city of Kyiv until 2025. Approved by the decision of the Kyiv city council №824 / 7060 of December 15, 2011, a new edition of 2016. (in Ukrainian)
[3] Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of State Regional Policy". – Kyiv, Ukrain, 2015. (in Ukrainian)
[4] The procedure for the development of regional development strategies and action plans for their imple-mentation, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of these regional strategies and action plans, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 11.11.2015 No. 932. – Kyiv, Ukrain, 2015. (in Ukrainian)
[5] The Strategy for Sustainable Development "Ukraine-2020". Approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated January 12, 2015 № 5/2015. – Kyiv, Ukrain, 2015. (in Ukrainian)
[6] State Strategy for Regional Development for the Period up to 2020. Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 6, 2014 No. 385. – Kyiv, Ukrain, 2014. (in Ukrainian)
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[12] BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology). Web: https://www.bre.co.uk
[13] USGBC, “Reference guide for interior design and construction LEED ID+C” v.4, Washington, DC. 2016. – 489 p.
[14] DSTU B ISO 21542:2013 Buildings and structures. "Availability and ease of use of the built environ-ment" (ISO 21542:2011, IDT). – Kyiv: Ukrahrbudinform, 2013. (in Ukrainian)
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[16] DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen). Web: http://www.dgnb.de
[17] Kyiv street design guide 2015. – Kyiv, Ukrain, 2015. (in Ukrainian)
Please cite as: D.Varavin, T.Kryvomaz “Applying of green building standards for implementation of the city development strategies in Kyiv.” USEFUL online journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 16-30, April 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32557/useful-3-1-2019-0003