The influence of globalization processes on formation of innovative environmental policy of the enterprise.
Alla BIELOVA1* Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor.,
Nataliia ZHURAVSKA2 Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Alona KOCHEDIKOVA3 Postgraduate student.
1 Department of Economics and Management of the GSP "Institute of Innovation Education" of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Vozduhoflotsky Avenue 31, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine;
2 Department of Occupational Health and the Environment of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Vozduhoflotsky Avenue 31, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
3 Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Vozduhoflotsky Avenue 31, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine;
Received: 11/01/2018, Accepted: 12/04/2018, Available online: 12/06/2018.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32557/useful-2-4-2018-0004
HDL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12334/77
*Corresponding author: e-mail: allal64@ukr.net
Under a creative commons license. Volume 2, Issue 4, 2018, pages: 33-43
Author Keywords: production-economic systems, innovation, production, construction complex, investment and organizational-economic mechanism, competitiveness.
The current state of the industrial complex and the construction industry is characterized by the lack of innovative opportunities to produce products conforming to market conditions, and a low proportion of financial resources makes it impossible to carry out scientific research and new developments that significantly reduces the investment activity of investors. In the article the theoretical and methodical principles are developed and substantiated and practical recommendations for creation of investment opportunities and development of domestic enterprises with ensuring their competitiveness are given.
1. Introduction.
After two and a half decades of unsuccessful economic restructuring and modernization of the economy, it is quite easy to proclaim the need for innovative changes in production and economic systems. Currently, most economists see this as a necessity and inevitability, however, rather slowly domestic enterprises adapt to the needs of rationalism, globalization and integration into the world community.
Proceeding from the experience of economically developed countries, one can safely note that the implementation of the achievements of scientific thought in the sphere of practical use is carried out by diversified efforts of a significant number of enterprises of various forms of ownership and different fields of production. The role of an industrial enterprise in the implementation of innovation processes depends on the size of business structures, the available resource potential of different nature and its ability and readiness for change and innovation.
The consequences of the imbalance between the stages of the innovation process during the implementation of innovation activities, as well as the imbalance of those or other works at each stage, are significant, and at best, manifested in the inefficient use of resources of different nature and different types. The most optimal will be the relationship between the production and economic systems that are actively engaged in the implementation of their own research and development, and the results of scientific and technological progress with the use of them in the enterprise, when the number of developed inventions, technical solutions, ideas will meet both the capabilities of the enterprise and their readiness. Considering the possibility of introducing innovations using the internal and external sources of investment, it is advisable to implement them with a cost-effective condition for the enterprise. The analysis of reserves for improving the effective operation of industrial-industrial systems and the question of using the reserves of innovation in enterprises of the industrial-construction complex and its ability to innovate should become one of the prerogatives of the effectiveness of the national economy and the global development of society as a whole.
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Please cite as: A. Bielova, N. Zhuravska, A. Kochedikova “The influence of globalization processes on formation of innovative environmental policy of the enterprise.” USEFUL online journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 33-43, December 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32557/useful-2-4-2018-0004